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     North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week 2007
May 6 - 12, 2007

During NAOSH Week the health and safety of workers takes centre stage. CCOHS and others around the country and continent are hosting events and activities to mark this important week, and encouraging Canadians to get involved and participate!

With Safety and Health: A Commitment for Life - Start Today! as the theme for 2007, NAOSH Week strives to focus the attention of employers, employees, the general public, and all workplace safety and health partners on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community.

CCOHS’ Webinars Help Spread the Message
As in previous years, CCOHS is celebrating NAOSH Week by producing a series of FREE, live webinars on current health and safety topics:

Steps for Life - Walking for Victims of Workplace Tragedy
This annual fundraising event sponsored by Threads of Life kicks off NAOSH Week on Sunday May 6, 2007. The Steps for Life 5 km walk raises the awareness that injuries are preventable and life-altering workplace injuries, illness and deaths can be eliminated. This event is open to everyone -- families, professionals and partners.

For the first time, Steps for Life is being held in three cities - Toronto, Hamilton, and Thunder Bay. All proceeds will be donated to Threads of Life's family support programs and services to help Canadian families along their journey of healing after they have experienced a workplace tragedy.

More information including donation and registration forms are available on the Threads of Life website.

About NAOSH Week
NAOSH Week is an annual initiative led by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) and Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC). NAOSH Week continues to be a truly continent-wide event, celebrated in Canada, along with North American partners in the United States and Mexico.

For more information, visit:
Threads of Life
CCOHS Webinars

April 2007

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