- Program
Day 1 - Monday, October 29, 2012
Registration and Innovation Showcase opens
Opening and Welcome:
Special Guest - The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour
Keynote Presentation:
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in the Workplace
It is the deadliest combination going: bullies who get what they want from their target, bullied adults who are afraid to tell, bystanders who either watch, participate, or look away, and employers who see the incidents as simply "teasing" and a normal part of the workplace. Barbara Coloroso gives employees and employers the tools to break this cycle of violence.
Presenter: Barbara Coloroso
- Health Stretch/Refreshment Break -
Session 1:
How Healthy is Your Workplace When it Comes to Mental Health?
In light of the new Canadian national standard for psychological health and safety in the workplace, emerging legal trends, and rapidly escalating business costs, Donna Hardaker will provide an overview of the issues and what organizations can and increasingly must do to build their capacity to address these issues more effectively.
Presenter: Donna Hardaker
- Luncheon -
Session 2:
Are Psychosocial Factors Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Disorders?
The importance of physical risk factors in the development of musculoskeletal symptoms or disorders (MSDs) is undisputed. However, the evidence on the role of psychosocial factors in the causal pathway of developing arm, neck, shoulder or back problems is less clear. In this presentation the question of whether psychosocial factors are risk factors for MSDs will be answered from both an experimental and epidemiological perspective.
Presenter: Dr. Birgitte Blatter
- Health Stretch/Refreshment Break -
Small group discussions
Day 2 - Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Innovation Showcase opens
Opening Remarks
Session 3:
Bullying at Work: Overcoming Organizational Resistance
Correcting and preventing workplace bullying involves much more than a policy. Each component of a comprehensive program for organizations is discussed, with considerations for advocates, unions, and executives. Learn how to build a business case rationale, while understanding the myriad of other reasons for organizational interventions, for a positive, bully-free workplace.
Presenter: Dr. Gary Namie
Session 4:
Towards a healthy workplace: Some new thinking about psychosocial issues at work
In this presentation, Kevin Kelloway will review this "traditional" model of psychosocial stress in organizations and then extend the model by considering the implications of positive psychology for creating truly healthy workplaces.
Presenter: Dr. Kevin Kelloway
- Health Stretch/Refreshment Break -
Small group discussions
Luncheon Session:
Healthy Workplaces in Action: The CareWorks Project
Learn more about Trillium Health Centre's CareWorks, an innovative customer service program aimed at creating and sustaining a healthy work environment, and how it has resulted in increased staff satisfaction and employee engagement, decreased turnover and decreased sick time.
Speaker: Julie Fischer
Session 5:
Psychological Health and Safety: An Action Guide for Employers
This presentation by the guide authors will include a brief description of the underlying research and framework, an overview of the contents, and recommendations for application and dissemination.
Speakers: Merv Gilbert,Dan Bilsker
Panel Discussion:
Over the course of the Forum, delegates will be asked to identify their top challenges and questions, and a panel of experts will be invited to weigh in on these questions, in this interactive session.
Closing Remarks

This will be a scent sensitive/smoke-free event.

Forum IV is facilitated by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
• Members of CCOHS Tripartite Council of Governors • Canadian and International Health and Safety Leaders