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Oil Sands & Construction Training & Safety Ltd. (OSCTS) is pleased to announce the availability of health and safety education for the people working in construction and oil fields activities. These courses are delivered in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), and provide up-to-date and relevant topics in health and safety.
Learn to recognize, assess and manage asbestos-related risks in the workplace.
Understand the signs and effects of bullying, and take action to prevent it.Duration: 1 hour
Learn about the benefits of taking a proactive approach to workplace health and safety.Duration: 30 minutes
This course helps federally regulated employees at all levels understand their responsibilities and duties under the Canada Labour Code, Part II (often referred to as the “Code” or “CLC”) to help maintain a healthy and safe workplace.Duration: 1 hour
Learn about the use, handling, and storage of compressed gases.Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours
Elements of a contractor safety program from start to finish.Duration: 1 hour
Defuse stressful situations involving difficult or hostile customers.Duration: 1 hour
Build an effective occupational health and safety programDuration: 1 hour
Learn why domestic violence is a workplace issue, and what employers and employees can do about it.Duration: 1 hour
Manage workplace health and safety risks through due diligence.Duration: 1 hour
Prepare for an emergency at your workplace by making sure there is a plan in place.Duration: 1 hour
Develop an emergency response plan for your workplace.Duration: 1.5 hours
Learn about the basics of fire safety in the workplace, including fire prevention controls, emergency response plans, and how to safely use fire extinguishers.Duration: 1 hour
Learn about your health and safety duties as an Ontario supervisor, and your responsibilities under the province’s Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Get your health and safety committee off to a great start.Duration: 1 hour
Managers and supervisors have front-line responsibility to protect workers and keep the workplace safe. Learn how to recognize hazards and take effective preventive actions to prevent injuries and foster a safety culture at your workplace.Duration: 6-7 hours
Office hazards and health & safety concerns, and how to prevent them.Duration: 1 hour
Take all reasonable care to ensure health & safety complianceDuration: 1 hour
Learn about your health and safety responsibilities as a small business employer, including how to identify workplace hazards and risks, and how to develop an effective health and safety program.Duration: 1 hour
Gain an understanding of your role in addressing impairment in the workplace, using cannabis as an example.
Learn about good indoor air quality and how to respond to air quality problems.Duration: 1 hour
Prevent manual material handling injuries at your workplace.Duration: 1 hour
Know the risks of work-related MSDs.Duration: 20 minutes
Learn how to prevent work-related musculoskeletal injuries.Duration: 1 hour
Gain an understanding of nanotechnology to help identify and safely control sources and products containing nanomaterials in your workplace.Duration: 30 minutes
Learn about noise, hearing loss, and strategies for controlling noise in the workplace.
Recognize and prevent occupational and environmental cancerDuration: 1-1.5 hours
Develop a health and safety management system.Duration: 2 hours
Recognize potential hazards in an office environment, identify the key components of a health and safety program, and learn the basics of WHMIS.
An introduction to health and safety for workers new to an agricultural operation.Duration: 1.5 hours
Practical introduction to the common types of PPE.Duration: 1 hour
Know your slips and trips, and how to prevent them.Duration: 1 hour
Strategies, solutions and program implementation to help people back to work.Duration: 1 hour
Learn to recognize, assess and manage asbestos-related risks in the workplace.
Travel for work or assist those that do? Embark on this e-course.Duration: 1 hour
Understand this important workplace issue - what it is, who's affected, and what you can do about it.Duration: 20 minutes
Essentials of an effective workplace violence prevention program.Duration: 1.5 hours
Workplace violence and what you can do about it.Duration: 1 hour
Need more information on any of our products or services? Contact us.
Product price and availability are subject to change without notice.