Text version of the Infographic Social Media
- Facebook: 14,495 audience, 606 posts, 644,626 reach, 16,594 engagements. Most
popular post: Day of Mourning (56,936 impressions, 918 engagements).
- Twitter: 13,376 audience, 616 tweets, 21,106 engagements, 1,139,945 impressions.
Most popular tweet: Mental Illness Awareness Week (33,338 impressions, 638 engagements).
- LinkedIn: 17,344 audience, 475 posts, 639,668 impressions. Most popular
post: RSI Day (7,488 impressions, 683 engagements).
- Instagram: 660 followers, 128 posts, 2,533 engagements, 50,409 impressions. Most
popular post: Cellphone Elbow (711 impressions).
- YouTube: 654 subscribers, 36,001 total views. Most popular video: Lifting
Objects at Work (17,341 views).
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