Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
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> Pandemic Planning at Work
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6 Things Employees Need to Know . |
- Know what steps your workplace has in place for a pandemic. Ask if there is a business continuity plan. Find out what role you have in this plan
- Participate in any training and education your workplace offers. During a pandemic, it will be essential for various employees to be able to cover some of the duties normally done by co-workers. Help train others to do aspects of your job as well.
- Know what "leave" policies your workplace has for sick leave, or for caring for your family. Knowing what options are available ahead of time will help you know what arrangements you need to make.
- Wash your hands the right way, and at the right times (after using the washroom, before eating, and after touching common surfaces such as doorknobs, railings, telephones, etc.). Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose as this helps the virus enter your body more easily. Follow personal hygiene steps such as cough etiquette to help slow the spread of the virus.
- Have a home emergency kit, and a personal or family plan for a pandemic. Write down and post your family and work contact information. If you are at home with the flu, or to take care of a family member, be sure to keep in touch with your workplace so they know what your situation is. Also, let your workplace know if you have any medical conditions that may be an issue should you get sick at work.
- If you have the flu, or think you might, stay home. Staying home when sick, and handwashing are the most effective ways to help slow the spread of a virus.