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The Canadian Health Network offers the free Healthlink email newsletter sent twice each month. It alerts you to:
- new homepage articles and key health events,
- quick quizzes and tips on how to stay healthy and prevent
- And much more.
Stay current! Let us keep you in touch. Subscribe to Healthlink
Health@Work/Santé @u Travail E-Bulletin
Through our work with CHN, we offer free workplace health news,
information, resources and conferences to help promote healthy
workplace in our informative e-bulletin. It is written by CCOHS
staff and distributed periodically. This e-bulletin contains
information on:
- workplace health promotion
- latest news from CHN
- feature article with useful resources
- collection up-date
- and other interesting material
If you would like to receive a copy of this e-bulletin, please email
Order Our Promotional Material
Canadian Health Network has a large variety of educational
awareness items and can distribute these items free upon request
for health awareness events and education.
If you are interested in a free kit, please email
CHN - Examples of what you will find and the work we do...
Download our articles and guides:
Network Contributors
Network Contributors provide the quality e-health information
resources available on the CHN Web site, and may also assist in:
developing frequently asked questions, developing feature articles,
promote your organization or events on our Health@Work
e-bulletin, identifying and filling information gaps, and
promoting CHN.
Interested in having your Web site featured on CHN? Would you like to become a CHN Network Contributor? Contact us at
